Buddha’s Birthday Weekend 2025

April 5 & 6

IN-PERSON* at Providence Zen Center

*Ceremonies broadcast on Zoom

For those staying over from Friday to Saturday, come join us at a sing-along after practice at around 7:45pm on Friday night!

Start off Buddha’s Birthday Weekend with Coffee Hour with the Teachers at 9:00am on Saturday. Then, take part in the ceremonies: Buddha’s Birthday at 10:00am and a Precepts Ceremony at 3:00pm on Saturday.

Our School Zen Master, Zen Master Soeng Hyang (Bobby Rhodes) has released a new book, Composting Our Karma: Turning Confusion into Lessons for Awakening Our Innate Wisdom. She will have book signings Saturday afternoon following the Precepts Ceremony at 4:30pm, and Saturday evening at 7:30pm, and Sunday morning following practice at 11:30am. Copies are available for purchase in the Providence Zen Center Gift Shop and on Amazon.

Come add your voice to our chanting at Evening Practice at 6:30pm on Saturday where we’ll be recording the Heart Sutra for use on our website! Help us make a special audio moment for all to hear.

There will also be a Conscious Dance (Main Dharma Hall) led by DJ Mystical Michael at 7:30pm on Saturday. We will start with a simple guided meditation to become grounded and present in our bodies. We will slowly shift to simple movement where you are sitting or lying down. As the music and energy rise, we gently move our bodies as they feel inspired to do so. Nobody has to do anything; we move or do not move as our bodies feel energized to do so. The energy and tempo will rise and lower through our time together. As we bring the event to a close, we will again return to our breath and another guided meditation. A simple sharing and closing circle will follow this.

Sunday morning at 9:30am, the head temple of the Kwan Um School of Zen | Americas, the Providence Zen Center will host Sunday practice, with sitting, walking meditation, dharma talk, and questions answered by School Zen Master, Zen Master Soeng Hyang (Bobby Rhodes). Zen Master Soeng Hyang will have her final book signing of the weekend at the conclusion of practice, 11:30am Sunday.

Join us for Buddha’s Birthday on Saturday and Sunday April 5 and 6, 2025!

Come to Providence Zen Center (or view live on Zoom) and celebrate the birth of the Buddha, and the continuation of Zen Master Seung Sahn’s teachings.

*Buddha’s Birthday and Precepts Ceremonies will be broadcast on Zoom.

Sangha Weekend Ceremony Schedule (all times Eastern Daylight Time):

Saturday, April 5, 2025, in-person and broadcast on Zoom

  • 10:00am: Buddha’s Birthday Ceremony

  • 3:00pm: Precepts Ceremony (Precepts will be given IN-PERSON ONLY)

Our Covid policy for the weekend is:

  • We ask that you self-test the day of your expected arrival at the event. If you are positive, PLEASE STAY HOME.

  • If you had contact with a Covid positive case in the last week before arrival, are sick, or are experiencing Covid-like symptoms, PLEASE STAY HOME.

  • Masks are your decision.

    Thank you for your cooperation!


Buddha’s Birthday Sangha Weekend

Time: Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 10:00AM & 3:00PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 846 8529 2527

Passcode: birthday


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Meeting ID: 846 8529 2527

Passcode: 94368556

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcgbVp6ZMQ



— Friday, April 4, 2025 —

6:30pm: Special Chanting

7:00pm: Evening Bell Chant, Heart Sutra (in English), Great Dharani, one 25-minute sitting period

~7:45pm: Sing Along with Matthew Keeler JDPSN

— Saturday, April 5, 2025 —

5:00am: Wake-up bell

5:15am: Bows, chanting, one sitting period
Main Dharma Hall

7:00am: Breakfast for Friday night guests
Dining Room

9:00am: Sangha coffee hour with the teachers
Dining Room

10:00am: Buddha’s Birthday Ceremony
Main Dharma Hall & Broadcast on Zoom

12:00pm: Lunch
Dining Room

12:00pm - 12:45pm: Pagoda Gift Shop OPEN
Pagoda Gift Shop

12:30pm: Trustees Meeting in Conference Room & on Zoom

1:45pm: Robe Distribution for Full Dharma Teachers
Upstairs Dharma Room

2:00pm: Five Preceptees Meeting – For those taking five precepts, and those who want to learn more.
Peace Pagoda

2:00pm: Dharma Teacher-in-Training Welcome – All Dharma teachers and DTiTs invited to attend.
Upstairs Dharma Room

3:00pm: Precepts Ceremony
Main Dharma Hall (IN-PERSON ONLY, with Broadcast on Zoom)

4:30pm: “Composting Our Karma: Turning Confusion into Lessons for Awakening Our Innate Wisdom” Book Signing by Zen Master Soeng Hyang (Bobby Rhodes)
Guest Lounge

5:00pm: Dinner
Dining Room

6:30pm: Evening Practice - Come add your voice to our chanting where we’ll be recording the Heart Sutra for use on our website! Help us make a special audio moment for all to hear.
Main Dharma Hall

7:30pm: “Composting Our Karma” Book Signing by Zen Master Soeng Hyang (Bobby Rhodes)
Guest Lounge

7:30pm: Conscious Dance with DJ Mystical Michael – No experience is needed, simply a desire to move and be present. Listen to your body and let go of your ego!
Main Dharma Hall

— Sunday, April 6, 2025 —

5:00am: Wake-up bell

5:15am: Bows, chanting, one sitting period
Main Dharma Hall

7:00am: Breakfast (for Saturday night guests)
Mingle with Sangha
Dining Room

9:00am - 11:30am: Sunday morning practice with the Providence Zen Center, head temple of the Kwan Um School of Zen | Americas, with a dharma talk and questions answered by Zen Master Soeng Hyang (Bobby Rhodes)
Main Dharma Hall

11:30am: “Composting Our Karma” Book Signing by Zen Master Soeng Hyang (Bobby Rhodes)
Guest Lounge

12:00pm: Lunch
Dining Room

12:00pm - 1:00pm: Pagoda Gift Shop OPEN
Pagoda Gift Shop