Dharma Teacher Weekend 2024
In-Person at Providence Zen Center and Online on Zoom
Online Zoom events and in-person programming will vary slightly from each other.
Dharma Teacher Weekend 2024: Resources for Different Workshops
For the Mental Health Plenary led by Zen Master Jok Um, Carter Thornton, DT, Elizabeth Goldstein, DTIT (Presenter on Zoom), & Mark Brenner, SDT (moderator/panelist)
"Prajna and Psychosis" by Zen Master Jok Um, Primary Point Winter 2024, page 7.
Outline of what will be covered by Zen Master Jok Um
For Trauma-Informed Meditation Instructions led by Elizabeth Goldstein, DTIT
Composting Our Karma: Turning Confusion into Lessons for Awakening Our Innate Wisdom by Bobby Rhodes
For “How Dare You Open Your Mouth?” (What Makes a Good Dharma Talk) led by Dennis Duermeier, JDPSN
Choose a variety of videos from a wealth of Dharma Talks on the Providence Zen Center’s and Kwan Um School of Zen’s YouTube channels.
For Women Zen Ancestors led by Zen Master Bon Hae
“Women Zen ancestors, a third take”, by Judy Roitman (Zen Master Bon Hae)
For Tonglen led by Manu 'Won Jin' Garcia-Guillén, BT
Tonglen: The Path of Transformation, by Pema Chödrön.
Article "How I understood the name of our school", Primary Point summer 2023, page 18.
How are Metta and Tonglen different? YouTube video of the Venerable Thubten Chodron.
For the Healthy Boundaries Plenary – Ethical Awareness: Embodying the Role of Dharma Teacher led by Zen Master Bon Hae, Marshall White, JDPSN, & Jennifer Magrone, SDT
For Gender Diversity/Queerness: Creating a Welcoming Sangha led by Ella Baker, DTIT, Steven Valerio, DT, & Aaron Turner, DT
Chapter 6, “The Goddess”, from the Vimalakirti Sutra
For Zen Practice and Meeting Emotional Difficulty led by Carter Thornton, DT and Kwan Haeng Sunim, JDPS
The Body Keeps Score by Bessel Vanderkolk
Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman
No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz
The Zen of Living and Dying by Philip Kapleau
When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron
Healing Your Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas by Alan Wolfelt
Unwinding Anxiety by Judson Brewer
Essential Art Therapy Exercises by Leah Guzman
For the “Empowering Sangha” Plenary led by guest speaker Roshi Joan Hoeberichts, Abbott of Heart Circle Zen
General Resources
Resources for Buddhist 12 Steps
The ZEN of Recovery by Mel Ash: https://buddhistrecovery.org/review/the-zen-of-recovery/